5 Ways to Take Your TIME Back Like a B.O.S.S.



Hey B.O.S.S. Ladies,

If you follow me on social media, you know that I just returned home from a six day trip to New Orleans. During that time I took a brief break from business execution (although I was still planning) to spend time with my mother who recently moved. While I was away, my husband David and his mom stayed home and worked together to make sure that our kids didn't miss a beat. For those of you who don't know, we have four young children (now ages 11, 5, 3 and 1) and they require a lot of attention, so you can imagine that I'm beyond grateful to be able to take a break when I am responsible for so much at home.



On the 6th day, I returned home and immediately felt OVERWHELMED. By the end of the first day I was worn out. Realizing that I was busy before, my 6 day break showed me that although I am Bold, Bossy and Balanced.....my responsibilities and priorities needed to be re-examined. When I initially looked at my daily tasks, they all seemed necessary until I took a closer look. These are the steps I took to be the B.O.S.S. of my time:


1. Take 100% Responsility - Often when we feel the need to complain, we fail to acknowledge that we are the one's who got ourselves in this mess. We said "yes" to that invitation without checking our schedule. We said "yes" to that program when we didn't make time to implement the principles. We said "yes" to the promotion when we knew 10 hours of weekly overtime was required.

It makes no sense to scale back if we will just replace it with something else and find ourselves back in the same situation. Exhaustion is often the branch of a root of people-pleasing (or some other root that must be addressed).


2. Pray - Prayer is a very important part of this process because when you initially look at all that you are doing you will find that a good amount of the things are important. However, when you include God in the decision you will learn that some things can be delegated, some can be integrated into another activity and some need to be eliminated. Before we move on, I want to address elimination because as believers we often think that if there is a need in the church that we should do it if we have time. This is where spiritual discernment comes in because if the church activity in question is ineffective or if you are not anointed for the task you will need spiritual discernment to help guide your decision.

We should include God before we accept new tasks and before we let things go to make sure that we are making the best use of our time.


3. Make a Decision - One of the most admirable traits of a leader (that people don't mind following) is the ability to make a decision. A true leader knows that they will not always make the right decisions but they understand that if they don't make their own decisions that someone else (or life) will decide for them. After you have taken full responsibility for your life and sought God for guidance regarding the changes, you have to decide to make a change. The (Latin) meaning of the word decision is "to cut off," which confirms that in making a decision cutting things off is part of the process.


4. Respect Your Own Time - People who take their time seriously usually don't have to worry about being on overload and the minute there is a hint of overwhelm they are known to unapologetically scale back. Think about it. When someone is known to be busy and effective we respect their time because they respect their time. For example, lets take a look at your Pastor. If you are having a babyshower or birthday party and you invite them, he/she is busy you understand. The moment you respect your own time, you train other people to respect your time.


5. Hire A Coach - In my experience the best way to tap into your personal power and stay committed to your decisions regarding your time is by hiring a coach. The right coach won't let you make excuses about your time, instead they will make sure that you are using it doing what you are called to do.

I can help you identify your strengths, strongholds and provide accountability as you commit to taking your time back. Click here to apply for your Free BOSS Blueprint Session and get your Free Prayer Strategy Training: A Step-by-Step Guide To Setting Up Your War Room.

Connect with me online @tiona_theproverbs31boss