Level Up Spiritually ...

Hey There…..Have You Heard? The Proverbs 31 BOSS Academy is hosting an Inaugural Conference in Norfolk, Virginia August 17thand 18th. This 2-day experience is packed with a visionary “Come As You Will Be In 2023” Kick-off Reception on Friday along with a full Saturday of speakers who will give you the tools to balance your faith, love life, family and business God’s way.
I realize that you have been invited or probably attended many women’s conferences, but the Proverbs 31 BOSS Conferenceis unlike any you have ever attended. Here’s how:
Break strongholds that are sabotaging your success - At this conferenceyou will be taught to recognize and overcome strongholds such as pride, procrastination, fear, anxiety, and depression that are sabotaging your success. If you practice what you are taught at the conference you can finally break the cycles.
Intimate Interactions – Instead of attending a conference with over 50 women, you’ll have a personal experience and connection with the speakers and the information because you are only one of 20 attendees in the room. Our goal is to create an individual life-changing experience that will impact your family and generations.
Unconventional Topics Covered – At the Proverbs 31 BOSS Conferencewe’ll discuss a combination of what you want and what you need. We’ll delve deeply into topics such as building a team for your assignment with God’s leading, how to overcome struggles of imbalance with marriage and family, and how to build your business in a way that family remains a priority.
Learn to Affirm Your Calling – We have an entire session on spiritual meditation where you will be taught to meditate on the promises of God to re-affirm who God says you are daily. This is a necessary component to your success.
You Can Bring Your Husband – At most women’s conferences, men are not allowed. Not only will there be a male speaker at this conference, but most of the attendees are bringing their husband’s. They have selected the “Hubby and Me”package, where their husband’s attend the reception and dine with us. They also enjoy downtime while you and the other wives are being empowered and equipped.
Sounds amazing, right? You should be there. Grab your tickethere. Visit www.proverbs31boss.comfor more details.
It's the first week of the new year and I am shocked by how many people are declaring THIS YEAR as their year but, they have not incororated anything new into their daily tasks, haven't really made a big attitude adjustment or are not being intentional about the hours, minutes and days to come that will make a big difference in their lives. I am so proud of the Proverbs 31 BOSS Planner, because beyond being the visionary behind the project, I know how impactful this planner is because it has transformed my life. When a woman is juggling multiple roles, it is easy get burned-out, distracted, waste lots of time and become ungrateful.
I have found that spending time in prayer each morning is the "secret sauce" to balance. Being grateful is the key to appreciating every role, and that investing in a planner that works for you keeps you focused. Thankfully, the Proverbs 31 BOSS planner reminds you to pray, be grateful and properly manage your time each day. I have heard some people complain about to cost of a planner and the time it takes to plan, but it truely a cost for failing to plan. Let me take some time to walk you through the costs:
1. Idleness - Idleness is defined as laziness or inactivity. However, the bible calls idle hands the devil's workshop (see Proverbs 16:27). That means that the enemy, YOUR ENEMY, loves it when you are doing nothing and being lazy. Don't get laziness/idleness confused with wealth. We all need rest, but rest is planned. It is not constant. Planning your day gives you a sense of purpose and reduces that chance of going aimlessly through the day.
2. Lack of Direction - The most effective people are planners. They plan their days ahead. They don't get up wondering "what will I do today." They know what lies ahead for them, because they planned for it. People that don't use a planner (or any sort of accountability system for their time) are usually forgetful, independable, inconsistent and often waist their days due to lack of direction.
3. Busy NOT Productive - The easiest way to feel like you've done so much that you got nothing accomplished is to fail to plan. You are busy but, not productive because you complete tasks without using a planner to prioritize them, Excellence takes preparation, but people who do not plan are seldom prepared.....thus mis out on opportunities.
4. Nothing to Evaluate - I am a firm believer that you can't address what you don't acknowledge. Failure to write things down, creates the inability to evealuate and adjust. Therefore you could be spending several years making the same small mistake because you don't evealuate your days, time, and tasks. Proverbs 31:16 reminds us that we are to expand prudently, therefore we must consider our present tasks before taking on new opportunities. Sometimes the newtask is perfect, but an old task must go. The inability to evaluate could cost you greatly when you don't plan.
5. Sabotage Your Success - Intentional people hang out together. Time conscious people seldomely hang out with time-wasters. Consider where you are going. Are your future colleagues wasting time, failing to plan, and all talk no action? It's time for you to develop the habits that will manifest all that God promised you in 2018. Grab your copy of the Proverbs 31 BOSS Planner here. It'll be the best investment you'll make in 2018.