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Self-Care Is An Inside Job




Hey there BOSS Lady,


It's been awhile since I have written a blog. I've really missed sharing with you all but, I have been so busy with life. To tell you the truth, I have been alittle off balance and overwhelmed. My hectic schedule with the kids, church, school, marriage and my personal life has been slightly challenging lately. On top of that, two of our four children have graduation ceremonies this week.

The bible says that just as the virtuous woman carefully considered the land before purchase, we should carefully consider new responsibilities before committing to new endeavors and obligations (Proverbs 31:16). I have to admit that in the season, I have been so excited about new opportunities that I had taken on a bit more than what I could handle and as a result I have experienced burnout. I thought that because I visited the spa once a month, started working out regularly and drinking water that I was truly taking care of myself, but I was mistaken. I thought that my husband and others would see that I was running around and that they would be considerate enough to ask to assist, refrain from asking me to do more, or giving a day off.


Then I realized that it's not their responsibility. It's my job to take a "me" day. It's my job to say "no" to many things so that I can say "yes" to the right things. Self-care to me is not maintenance; hair, nails and an occasional spa day. Self-care is for me prayer time, quiet time, bubble baths, reading a great book, taking a walk in nature, fishing and giving the still small voice inside of me time to speak in peace and quiet.


It's so important to identify what self-care means to you because it means somethng different for all of us. However, we all need it because we can't pour from an empty cup. No matter how gifted, talented, and blessed we are.....It's not possible!


At the Proverbs 31 BOSS Brunch, we will be talking Spiritual Maturity, Self-Care and Building a Business around your family. I'm headed to several cities with industry experts. The dates are 6/24 in DC, 9/1 Charlotte, NC, and 9/2 Charleston, SC. Click here to grab your tickets.

Connect with me online @tiona_theproverbs31boss