Proverbs 31 BOSS Planner - Hardback

Common price: $59.00 Our price: $59.00 each

✨✨✨ The Proverbs 31 BOSS Planner is the very first planner to that has a daily prayer section, a gratitude journal, daily scripture assignments, and help you to prioritize your time according to the Word of God. .

✨✨✨It is the FIRST planner designed for Christian women who are wives, moms and entrepreneurs that provides a system to prioritize faith, marriage, family, and business /career. 

✨✨✨As a wife, mom of 4, former MBA student, and entrepreneur I created a system that helps the busiest BOSS women to avoid distraction at home and effective in life and business......PUT GOD and Family first.....while building a THRIVING in every other area! 

You've tried other things. Try using this planner. You'll have 12 full months of doing things God's way! 


** Orders Placed Before December 31, 2019 will be received by February 14, 2020 **

Connect with me online @tiona_theproverbs31boss