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Dear Single Proverbs 31 Boss

Dear Single Proverbs 31 Boss,


Do not be discouraged by not yet meeting the man of your dreams. Do not be ashamed of not yet adding a plus one to the guest list. Waist no more tears on the last man that you have tried to hold onto that God had to snatch away from your life. It was for your protection. When you receive that baby shower invite, do not sigh and ask God "where is my husband" or "when will I start my family." Know that your time is coming and right now you are in the best position so get PREPARED.


The time is now to work on your relationship with God. Any married woman will tell you that in order to have a fruitful marriage you have to commune with God on a daily basis, so while you wait for the husband that God promised you, get to know your Father before He sends His son. Get to know who He says you are. Embrace your responsibility as a Kingdom Woman, a wife, and a mom. Talk to God about that vision that He laid on your heart and how you can partner with Him to change the world, change that industry, change the classroom, or take His Spirit into the places that others have been afraid to mention His name.

Don't believe Mary Jane, you don't have to choose between being successful and building a family of your own. Instead you must learn to minister first at home. Get close to your Father and He will do the rest. When it all comes together you'll see that God knows best.


Connect with me online @tiona_theproverbs31boss